Friday, April 1, 2011

Gratitude Revisited

It's incredible what a difference 12 hours (or so?) makes. My future mother-in-law is tucked away upstairs in a freshly made bed with a beautiful boquet of flowers next to it. And on the other side of today, I am able to identify this:

I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to get to know my future mother-in-law today. I have never chatted with her for more than 10 minutes despite having loved her son for 2 years.

I'm thankful that my future mother-in-law is not allergic to flowers.

I'm thankful that I have friends who promote self-care, getting away from it all, and in general remind me that I need to remember that there's more to life than work.

And finally...

I'm grateful that I have the financial means to be able to say, "fuck it--I need a break and I'm flying to Montana." In a few weeks I will be with my family.

Thankfulness: Fail.

My experiment failed. On day 2 I thought, "I'll do 2 tomorrow." On Day 3 I though, "It has been a rough day and I need to prepare for weekend company, this can wait." Thankfulness experiment: fail.

I have had the worst week at my job since moving here and beginning work. It has been nothing short of terrible. The anxiety, frustration, and anger float around the office & threaten to attach themselves to anything that stands still. I was trying to combat it in a very "positive psychology" manner, but to be honest, my heart just wasn't in the right space for that. I am angry that people act this way. I try to do yoga and let go of my anger, but I am frustrated that even as I work to remain calm people will continue to hurl anger and frustration toward me in an abusive fashion and I will have to take it like a grown-up.

Mostly it makes me sad, because I typically love my work.

I guess I have nothing more to say. I don't want my blog to become a place where I bitch about everything, because I know that isn't healthy. But I have found that the positive psych thing felt fake this week. Maybe I'll give it a run another time.