Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sweet Dreams?

For 2 nights during the past week I've dreamed about losing my wallet. Not necessarily losing it, even--having it taken by people that I know and trust. My dreams are always fairly transparent that way. I'm fairly certain that it's a reflection of my angst over being back on 6-month review. If I make it through 6 months with a happy boss, I'm in my position for the long run (honestly--this shouldn't be hard...I do a great job & my employer likes me). But on the off chance that I didn't pull it off, I would be out of work.

But last night after writing my vacation diary I dreamed of Kauai.

I dreamed that I was back on the catamaran with a fine layer of salt covering my skin and that the ocean breeze was gently balancing the heat of the day on my skin. I dreamed that I was sitting on our patio--feet on the railing and drink in hand--chatting with a good friend while we watched the waves lap against the shore.

Of course, I also dreamed a few things that made no sense at all. Another friend appeared and purchased a huge catamaran...then strapped a futon to it with chains and cut off the railing to the front of the catamaran. They already had 13 people on board but asked us to join. We declined and they sped off--waves coming over the bow and the girls laughing gleefully as they crested (and lived through) each one.

I also dreamed that someone or something came to take me away from the island. I never saw its face, but I spent portions of my dream evading it. Once I hid in a small closet but we were "outed" because someone in my party was humming to keep themselves calm & "it" followed the sound. Once while working to squeak out through a window (back to the beach) I ended up in the suite of a retired couple who didn't seem to find my presence in their room strange at all. They didn't seem to understand the need to evade "it" & smiled at me in a knowing way...

Today I've brought work home from the office. Tonight I'll accompany my fiance to a drag show (he bounces). I need to get my work done before we leave for the show, so I have no further time to think about or interpret this dream. It will be shoved to the back of my consciousness.

Strangely, when I began this blog I remembered my dream only as a beautiful one (e.g., paragraph one)! As I end this blog, I'm adding a question mark to the blog title. I guess there was a fair amount of uncertainty and tension in the dream, after all. Funny that what I woke up with was a sense of bliss at having been in Kauai in my dream.

A final thought: It was so real to me that in my disoriented wakeful state I wondered if we had really gone to Kauai this year, or if it was still something I could look forward to.

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