Thursday, August 11, 2011

Life Is Great

My fiance and I try to get some quality time in every day, but some days it looks like me laying in bed with him for 20 minutes before he has to go to sleep--and then returning to my living room lair for another several hours before I get tired. Our work schedules don't overlap so well...he goes to work before I'm even barely conscious.

Yesterday was his birthday. Tonight he looked at me while we were chatting and said, "You know what I was thinking today?" And I..."...what, love?" And he, "I was thinking, I am loved."

Lately that is the sentiment I've had. I've been absent in blog land for a month because I vacationed to Kauai with 3 of my favorite people (future blogs to come - I'm thinking of doing a day-by-day recount while it is still relatively fresh). I also was surprised by a visit from my best friend from college. I joined my best friend from grad school for her 30th birthday and we laughed until our faces hurt. I went to watch Brandi Carlile in concert and bumped into another friend from grad school who I haven't seen in years. She was as beautiful and fun as I remember her and I was kicking myself for getting so wrapped up in internship/postdoc that I haven't visited people I really care about.

I have been reminded over the past month how many great people I have in my life. Yesterday my fiance & I celebrated his birthday and he gushed over the gifts I purchased for him. This week I've been to Ashtanga twice and just feel so thankful that I have a healthy body that is so flexible and strong.

It's an understatement to say that I needed a vacation. It was so good for my soul. Because it was so good--I scheduled a 4-day Mindfulness/DBT conference with a friend in October. I'll also be joining her family for Thanksgiving (and hopefully mine for Christmas, perhaps staying with my best bud from undergrad). And again at an Oregon Coast beachhouse next summer. In between all of these things, I hope to pencil in all of the other people in my life who I care about. Or at least--make room in my life for them to pop by any time.

A month ago I would've told you I couldn't imagine another straight year of work. I just needed to recharge. I'm really excited for the rush of my work to begin again. A new psychologist starts at our center on Monday & she's rad. I hope that she can be my friend, even though I'm technically her boss. Oh yes, I'm a boss! This is sinking in. I'm so glad to have more diversity in my days. This week I was given paperwork for my UW clinical faculty position. Long story, but in short--SWEET.

I am loved. Life is great. That is all.

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